

  • 欧美大片佐杜洛夫斯基的沙丘

    主演:亚历桑德罗·佐杜洛夫斯基 阿曼达·李尔 布朗提思·佐杜洛夫斯基 克里斯·福斯 克里斯蒂安·范德尔 德温·法拉奇 戴安娜·奥班农 德鲁·麦克维尼 加里·库尔茨 H·R·吉格 让-皮埃尔·维尼奥 迈克尔·赛杜 尼古拉斯·温丁·雷弗恩 理查德·斯坦利 丹·欧班农 


    简介:  影史传奇中的传奇。《圣山》后佐杜洛斯基誓要改编科幻小说《沙丘》,目标远大到要改变世界,改变思维。他筹组史上最强战队,作实参演有奥逊威尔斯、米积加,甚至达利! Moebius 当年的分镜图接成一个长镜头,满足何止影痴,更可确定随后而至的,从《异形japanesetube8》到《普罗米修斯》,都活在 那巨大魂魄下。佐杜洛斯基激情澎湃现身说法,「我强姦了原著」,谈组班过程奇情过瘾。筹备两年大洒金元,荷里活却步,巨作成泡影。献身的幕后战士,尔后在无数科幻片大放异彩。影痴必修的一课。

  • 欧美大片橡树



    简介:  Every little detail is captured on the grain (and in 4K) in a film where the diverse wildlife around a single oak tree plays out like a daily drama of life and death. An audience favourite, and a huge nature experience.  An oak tree is not just a tree. It is an ecosystem in itself, and a h桃花族影院ome to many different life forms at once. Featuring squirrels, herons, ants, deer and badgers, the French audience favourite ‘Heart of Oak’ unfolds the wonderful natural kingdom where everything is interconnected, from the roots to the crown. Starring an ancient oak tree – and with a camera that captures even the smallest detail – a daily drama of life and death unfolds as animals struggle for food, shelter and survival through the seasons. Shot in 4K, ‘Heart of Oak’ is a serious contender for the great nature experience of the year at the cinema. And by the way, the nearest oak tree is within cycl两个人在线观看BDing distance if you want to go and see for yourself after the film.


