

  • 欧美大片犹大2013

    主演:安德烈·巴利罗 伊万·杜布朗拉沃夫 安德烈·博加提夫 

    导演:Andrey Bogatyrev

    简介:  Judas, a seasoned thief, finds himself in the market square where Christ is giving a sermon and his apostles are collecting alms. He follows them and steals their money, 红音萤only to be caught red-handed. Nevertheless, the Teacher forgives him. What is more, He invites the thief to become one of His followers and offers him a position as the group’s treasurer. Shocked by Christ’s unexpected offer, Judas decides to join the apostles, if only to figure out what is going on. He gradually starts to comprehend Christ’s message, but feels that the apostles are blindly following their teacher. Judas argues with them, and tries to defend his right to divine the truth of God. But when he fails to make them understand, he realizes that Christ’s teachings may sink into oblivion without benefiting humanity. His solution is to betray Christ. 久久小说网手机版txt免费下载“By killing a man, have I not saved a God?”

  • 欧美大片红色幽灵

    主演:阿列克谢·舍甫琴科夫 弗拉基米尔·高斯特尤金 尤里·鲍里索夫 波琳娜·切尔尼绍娃 沃尔夫冈·塞尔尼 迈克尔·戈尔 Olga Stashkevich Pavel Abramenkov Vyacheslav Shikhaleev 奥列格·瓦西里科夫 


    简介:  1941年12月30日。“维亚济马”是一小队苏联士兵,在致命的巧合下,与德国国防军的一支特殊部队发生了不平等的战斗。然而,他们没凌触学园退魔录有一个人想到要放弃。他们每个人都准备牺牲自己的生命,保护松雪泰子自己的家乡。这些勇敢的人中没有一个是天生的英雄。红色幽灵的神话是一个没有士兵的英雄事迹,而代之的是另一位死去的英雄,而诞生了苏联士兵不可战胜的神话。


