

  • 欧美大片雷尔:最后的先知


    导演:Antoine Baldassari,Manuel Guillon

    简介:  这部纪录剧集讲述一个以不明国产亚洲欧美在线观看飞行物为缘起的宗教如何转变为一个备受争议的邪教,终极大冒险电影片中包含与教徒、反对者及雷尔本人的访谈。&l加勒比海盗美人鱼t;/p>

  • 最新美剧湿婆神

    主演:Sonarika Bhadoria Chari Asopa Arun Bali Vicky Batra Annapurna Vitthal Bhairi Rajeev Bharadwaj Prabhat Bhattacharya Ahsaas Channa Shailesh Dattar 潘卡吉.蒂尔 Ragini Dubey Radha Krishna Dutt Darshan Gandas A 

    导演:Nikhil Sinha Nikhil Sinha

    简介:  Devon Ke Dev...Mahadev is a Hindu spiritual television drama series which airs on Life OK channel. It premiered on 18 December, 2011 and showcases the story of Lord Shiva, also called as Mahadev.  The drama is inspired by the works of Devdutt Pattanaik. The story has been researched from Bodhisattva and has been penned up by Mihir Bhuta.  Devon Ke Dev...Mahadev is the story of the Hindu God Shiva, also called as Mahadev. The show portrays his journey from a hermit to a house holder. In the show Shiva takes many incarnations and many incidents take place. However, this plot mentions only the major events.  The story starts with the tale of Shiva's marriage with Sati. Sati who is the daughter of Prajapati Daksha, a staunch Vishnu devotee, is drawn towards Shiva against the wishes of her father. She finally marries Shiva, but soon dies by self-immolation when her husband is insulted at the yajna of Daksha. The grief-striken Shiva produces Virabhadra, who slays Daksha, however he restores Daksha's life after beseeching of Daksha's wife. A distraught Shiva leaves with burnt corpse of Sati and wanders the universe. Vishnu severs the body into pieces, shattering them on earth. Shiva transforms the pieces into Shakti Peethas, embodiments of the power of the Goddess Adi Shakti.  Sati is reborn as Parvati, the daughter of Himavan, king of the Himalayas and Mainavati. She is also the sister of the river-goddess, Ganga. Parvati is raised in the hermitage of the Shiva devotee sage Dadhichi, who teaches her devotion to Shiva. Parvati grows up and like Sati, is captivated by Shiva. She slowly remembers her past life, then wins Shiva by her austerities leading to their marriage.  Shiva and Parvati give birth to Kartikeya, who slays the demon Tarakasura and his brothers. Kartikeya is also nominated for the throne of the King of Devas but Shiva asks Indra to continue as the king. After this Kartikeya is sent to the Dakshin (south) where he is cared by Meenakshi and here he slays the demon (asura), Tripath with her help. The story goes on with the tale of the destruction of Tripura, belonging to the revengeful sons of Tarakasura, who were earlier given boons by Shiva. And just before the destruction of the Tripura, Shiva and Parvati's daughter, Ashoksundari is born.  After the destruction of Tripura, except Lord Indra (the King of Devas) everyone congratulate Shiva for destructing Tripura and also for being the father of Ashokasundari. Rishi Durvasa gives him a special garland, which Shiva gave Narada as prasadam. When given Lord Indra accepts the garland placing it on the trunk of his elephant, Airavata to proof that he is egoistic throws it. This enrages the sage and he curses Indra and evryone to be bereft of all wealth and fortune. Soon later to take revenge on the destruction of Tripura, King Bali attacks heaven and in attempt to steal Amrita (nectar of immortality). But it falls into the Ocean of milk. To get the Amrit back Devas join hands with Asuras to churn the ocean for the Amrita and to share it among them.  The churning of the ocean, known as Samudra Manthan is an elaborate process. In the process the Devas disadvantage the Asuras in many ways. Despite this, they churn the ocean. In the process Lord Vishnu al含羞草实验室入口免费网站直接进入so takes his second incarnation of a turtle, Kurma.  The process releases a number of things from the ocean. One product is the lethal poison known as Halahala. This could contaminate the ocean and destroy all of creation. To save everyone Lord Shiva inhales the poison in an act of self-sacrifice but Parvati rescues him by pressing his neck to stop the poison from spreading. As a result, the color of Lord Shiva's neck turns blue. During the churning many things are obtained from the ocean which includes Lakshmi, the Goddess of fortune and wealth, who is the eternal consort of Vishnu. Thus, everyone gets their wealth and fortune back. Later Vishnu takes the Amrita secretly from the Asuras and distributes it among the Devas.  The story takes some years leap after which it is shown that Kartikeya has been removed from the post of Senapati(head of the army), which pleases Indra and for the first time after so many years, a grown-up Ashoksundari meets Kartikeya. Kartikeya also meets his parents. He enlightens Ashoksundari about meditation and she inspired by it so much that she renounces her life to meditate, which disturbs Parvati.  Looking at the ill happening of the world, of how Ahalya is seduced by Indra, Mahadev come indside. Even after Mahadev tells that he is his father and many other gods tried to tell him, he still refuses. Mahadev got angry and cut Vinayak's head.

  • 欧美大片眼泪制造者

    主演:Caterina Ferioli Simone Baldasseroni 

    导演:Alessandro Genovesi


  • 欧美大片特种兵

    主演:米基·洛克 布兰登·费尔 迈克尔·加·怀特 杰夫·法赫 约翰·伊诺斯三世 基兰·加拉赫 Donald Cerrone Gianni Capaldi David Lea Barry Hanley Robert J. Fox Sam Tan Cord Newman Nikki Hoard Matthew Van Wettering Tony Herbert Tamas Nadas 

    导演:Asif Akbar

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  • 欧美大片飞越梦之门

    主演:Nick Baldasare 

    导演:Jay Woelfel


  • 欧美大片图潘

    主演:Ondas Besikbasov Samal Esljamova Askhat Kuchencherekov 


    简介:阿沙(Ondas Besikbasov 饰)由海军退役后回到草原,寄住在姐姐一家的帐篷里,姐夫将他介绍给附近最后一位待嫁的姑娘图潘,阿沙只顾将海上的见闻在对方二老面前聊得性起,岂料帷幕后的姑娘嫌他耳大。姐夫对阿沙相亲失败大感懊恼,羊群中的母羊频频难产,无法成家的阿沙却一时不能担负牧人的职责。难耐姐夫冷脸的阿沙再次登门求亲,虽然又被拒绝,但我的好妈妈5无删减在线观看阿沙从门缝偷窥图潘以后,真的爱上了这位姑娘。 草原上的生活艰辛寂寞,收音机广播内的消息和好友托尼经常扮演着外界的诱惑。牧民迁徙的时节快要到了,阿沙与姐夫大吵后愤而出走,但他却被一只难产的母羊阻住了…… 本片获2008年戛纳电影节“一种关注”单元奖,东京电影节金麒麟奖。©豆瓣

  • 欧美大片星期四

    主演:雅弥·郭德姆 Karanvir Sharma 阿图尔·库尔卡尼 内哈·迪胡皮阿 迪宝·卡帕蒂娅 Kalyanee Mulay Maya Sarao Boloram Das Sukesh Anand Adi Irani 


    简介:  当一名幼儿园老师——亚米·高塔姆绑架了 1万妖之祖52006 名小学生并提出一系列要求时,不仅震撼和婠婠同居的日子了孟买警察和城市,而且在全国及其政界人士中引起了反响。

  • 欧美大片雨水危机

    主演:路易斯·托萨尔 盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔 胡安·卡洛斯·阿杜维里 卡拉·埃莱哈尔德 劳尔·阿雷瓦洛 Carlos Santos 卡珊德拉·钱盖罗蒂 Milena Soliz Leónidas Chiri Ezequiel Díaz Pau Cólera 文森特·罗米洛 Antonio Mora Daniel Currás Glenda Rodríguez 


    简介:  为拍摄一部关于哥伦布美洲探险寻宝的电影,导演塞巴斯蒂安和他的制片人科斯塔来到了玻利小雪小柔两个大校花7部分维亚,然而他们的剧组却被搅入了当地民众抗议水系统私有化的政治危机当中。<艳门照下载;br />  入围2010年多伦多电影节当代薛平贵与王宝钏43世界电影单元,2010年西班牙巴利亚多利德电影节开幕片。

  • 欧美大片侦探拍档

    主演:布鲁斯·威利斯 崔西·摩根 亚当·布罗迪 凯文·波拉克 古列雷莫·迪亚兹 杰夫·利马 阿尔贝托·博尼拉 Jeremy Dash 米歇尔·崔切伯格 杰森·李 弗朗西斯·斯威夫特 拉什达·琼斯 西恩·威廉·斯科特 欧内斯特·奥唐纳 吉姆·诺顿 苏茜·伊斯曼 约翰·德利奥 阿德里安·马丁斯 弗莱德·阿米森 汉娜·韦尔 安娜·德拉·雷古拉 马克·康苏斯 杰西·巴托克 约旦·卡洛斯 罗布·卡伦 迈克·彼特  


    简介:  纽约警局老干探吉米(布鲁斯•威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)笃信沉默是金,办案一丝不苟。他有个黑人拍档保罗(崔西•摩根 Tracy Morgan 饰)刚升为探员,自以为奥巴马做了美国总统,腰杆子就硬了。不但对小毛贼颐指气使,而且对老干探也不那么尊敬。因为一张1952年的珍贵棒球卡盗窃案,吉米和保罗联手出击。不过,这次的麻烦似乎没那么容易摆平。在调查中,一连串案件浮出水面,包括墨西哥美女绑架案、黑帮分子天医战神秦羽全部免费阅读毒品交易案等等。这对搭档其实没有经过什么大风大浪,所以这次如临大敌。而且,他们还都出现了后院起火的症状:吉米莫名其妙搞丢了女儿出嫁举办婚礼的一大笔钱,而保罗虽然像只呆头鹅,却被妻子怀疑有出轨劣迹。这种事令两人非常闹心。他们不得不一边办案,一边苦口婆心地对家人解释自己的清白,这种两头忙的窘境快把他们逼疯了……

  • 欧美大片旧日噩梦

    主演:Aaron Blakely Kellee Bradley Jeanette Maus Dino Moore Rachel Pate Tasha Smith-Floe Nick Wambach Don Brady Colin Byrne Jimmy Castle Quinlan Corbett Alena Dashiell Tony Doupe Tim Evans Kathy Hsieh 

    导演:Norbert Caoili,Rob Portmann

    简介:  派特·贝克(托尼·德普 Tony Doupe 饰)是小镇的一位警长。然而他的儿子科特·贝克(亚伦·布莱克利 Aaron Blakely 饰)却有着极其黑暗的过去。十三年前,他因残酷地杀害了自己的亲生母亲而被关进了精神病院。  然而噩梦就在科特逃离精神病院那刻开始了。精神错 乱的科特不仅大开杀戒,更展开了可怕的复仇杀戮。心急如焚的派特四处搜寻儿子科特,试图阻止他的疯狂行为。然而令他意想不到的是,正当派特发现线索来到丛林的时候,他居然发现了自己菠萝蜜在线视频观看的女儿萨拉·贝克(阿莱娜·哈米特 Alena Dashiell 饰)正和朋友在这座森林里露营,众人旋即陷入命悬一线的险境之中。

  • 欧美大片华氏9/11

    主演:本·阿弗莱克 斯蒂夫·旺达 乔治·W· 布什 詹姆斯·贝克三世 理查德·盖法特 Tom Daschle 杰弗里·图宾 阿尔·戈尔 康多莉扎·赖斯 唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德 萨达姆·侯赛因 乔治·布什 瑞奇·马丁 拜伦·多根 奥萨马·本·拉登 


    简介:网站正能量你懂我意思www  一部记述伊拉克战争前后美国情势的纪录片。美国因何成为恐怖分子的袭击目标?为何乐于卷入战争?乔治布什的政策与9•11事件的爆发有何联系?而他和本•拉登之间关系怎样演变至宿敌?片中用真实的历史场景,从某个侧面提供了一种解读方式。  除了关注美国国内,镜头也对准了伊拉克战场。厌倦了战争的美国士兵、被耻笑的伊拉克俘虏、饱受战乱之苦的当地人民,人人都在这场战争遭受着不同的痛苦和煎熬。美军家中的善良母亲,准备去前线服役的热血青年,都对布什的政策、对伊拉克战争,开始沉重的思考。

  • 欧美综艺维尔·达斯:为了印度


    导演:Ajay Bhuyan,Vir Das

    简介:  From the Vedas to Vasco da Gama to vacuous Bollywood plotlines, comedian Vir 南宫熙妍Das celebrates the history of India with his one-of-a-kind perspective.  Netflix Special.

  • 欧美大片镜子面具

    主演:斯蒂芬妮·莱昂尼达斯 Stephanie Leonidas 贾森·巴瑞 Jason Barry 


    简介:海伦(斯蒂芬妮·莱昂尼达斯 Stephanie Leonidas 饰)从小在马戏团长大,可是身边那些让所有孩子兴奋的事物却只俄罗斯24能让她感到厌倦,她想逃离这种不真实的生活,因此和父母发生冲突。不幸接踵而至,先是妈妈(乔安妮·坎贝尔 Joanne Campbell 饰)在表演中倒下,住进医院,接着父亲透露马戏团经营陷入危机。心怀向日葵视频ios在线无限看 丝瓜ios免费大全压抑和愧疚的海伦进入一场梦境,那里由光明女皇和黑暗女皇同时统治,但是光明女皇病倒了,世界的平衡被打破,海伦受托去寻找“镜面具”,以拯救这个梦中世界。在小丑瓦伦丁(贾森·巴瑞 Jason Barry 饰)的陪伴下,海伦踏上寻找“镜面具”的路途,似乎只有先拯救梦境,才可以拯救现实……

  • 欧美大片非常小特务

    主演:达里尔·沙巴拉 阿丽夏·维加 安东尼奥·班德拉斯 卡拉·古奇诺 艾伦·卡明 托尼·夏尔赫布 特丽·哈彻 切奇·马林 罗伯特·帕特里克 丹尼·特雷霍 迈克·乔吉 理查德·林克莱特 吉列尔莫·纳瓦罗 Trant Batey Jeffrey J. Dashnaw 埃文•萨巴拉 Rachel Duhame Houston Hooker 路易斯·布莱克 迪克·克拉克 Julio Villareal 乔治·克 


    简介:  特工格雷格里奥TV520(安东尼奥•班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 饰)和英格丽德(卡拉•古奇诺 Carla Gugino 饰)是世界上最顶尖的特工,两人在一次任务中相遇,然后就一发不可收拾的堕入了爱河,从此世界上就少了两名出色的特工,多了一个幸福的家庭。一晃眼九年过去了,平静的世界再起波澜,格雷格里奥以前的战友们一个接一个神秘失踪,这一定是阴谋分武汉17中教室门子又在兴风作浪。无奈之下,格雷格里奥和英格丽德只好再度出马,不料两人亦同样遭到绑架!这下,重担只能落在两个从小生东北黑道风云20年长在特工之家的小鬼卡门(亚历克斯•维加 Alexa Vega 饰)和朱尼(达里尔•沙巴拉 Daryl Sabara 饰)身上,我们的特工神童出征了。

  • 欧美大片刽子手1963

    主演:尼诺·曼弗雷迪 埃玛·佩内利亚 何塞·伊斯贝尔特 何塞·路易斯·洛佩斯·巴斯克斯 安赫尔·阿尔瓦雷斯 圭多·阿尔贝蒂 胡利娅·卡瓦·阿尔瓦 玛丽亚·路易莎·庞特 玛丽亚·伊斯韦特 埃拉斯莫·帕斯夸尔 Xan das Bolas 何塞·奥哈斯 何塞·马里亚·普拉达 费利克斯·费尔南德斯 安东尼奥·费兰迪斯 


    简介:  《侩子手》是西班牙写实主义大师贝尔兰加的巅峰之作,以辛辣的笔调描写了一个连苍我的好妈妈完整版韩剧蝇都不敢打的青年人,为生活所迫竟当上刽子手的故事。影片虽在如今的各大西班牙经典影片榜单上名列前茅,但由于推出时正处于弗朗哥黑暗时期,长时间没有得到人们的认可。


